I’m having a home abortion in a few days and really don’t want to tell my flatmates. Is it ok to do this alone or should I tell them just in case something goes wrong?
You don’t have to tell anyone about your abortion if you don’t want to. At most, you can tell your flatmates that you’re just not feeling well and/or having a heavy, painful period. You can also ask them to come and check on you after you have taken the misoprostol.
Medical abortions are very safe - safer than taking paracetamol, viagra and aspirin in fact. Although very rare, there are a few risks (as with any medicine or medical procedure) and these will be explained to you by your abortion provider. The only thing we would advise is having the contact details of a medical professional close by and ensuring that you are less than 1 hour away from a medical centre/ hospital in case you do need some extra support.
I’m about to have an abortion at home and wondered what to do with the tissue when it comes out?
For many people having a medical abortion at home, pregnancy tissue is usually either passed on the toilet or in pads and disposed of in either of these two ways. If you don’t have any specific wishes, then for you, one of these two options may be more than fine. Others may choose to have a small burial in their garden or on private land, although there are a few legalities around this. You can read more information about this on the BPAS website.
Please note:
Depending on the length of your pregnancy and the size of the embryo, may or may not be visible it passes unnoticed with the pregnancy tissue, clots and blood.