Virtual, UK Anita Cheung Virtual, UK Anita Cheung

Sara Bakr (she/her)

Language(s): English, Norwegian, Spoken Egyptian Arabic
London, UK


Heya! My name is Sara, I'm an abortion doula and a full spectrum doula, I offer non-judgmental support to people through transitions in life. Abortion is an act of self-love and self-care, you deserve to be supported in your decision to have an abortion. Abortion support isn't one-size-fits-all, we are all different with different needs therefore my support for you will reflect this, by tailoring my support to you and your needs. Let's have a chat about how I can best support you during this time.

Describe yourself in three words:

Intersectional feminist, funny, foodie 




Instagram: @ancestralbirth

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Virtual, USA Anita Cheung Virtual, USA Anita Cheung

DJ (she/her)

Language(s): English
Virtual support only


I'm a DOPO-trained abortion companion who primarily supports people *virtually* before, during, and after an abortion. I'm here to support you, without judgment, whether you're having your abortion at a clinic or at home — and no matter who you are or what your reasons are. We can talk on the phone, on video chat, or on a secure messaging platform.

Describe yourself in three words:

Queer, quirky, and quick to answer!


Organise a virtual chat: Click here


Instagram: @reprokat

Twitter: @reprokat

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Virtual, UK Anita Cheung Virtual, UK Anita Cheung

Caroline Fearns (she/her)

Language(s): English
Virtual, UK-based


Hi there, my names Caroline. I am a licensed therapist providing post-abortion therapy to people who have had an abortion at any point in their lives. It doesn’t matter if it was 2 weeks ago or 20 years ago. Accessing therapy is a great act of self-care and provides space for you to process, express your feelings and make meaning out of your abortion experience. I work in a heart-centred, creative and inclusive way, all my work is trauma-informed and I am passionate about creating a safe space for your abortion story. I work via zoom and offer therapy worldwide.

Describe yourself in three words:

Cold water swimmer, happiest on a dance floor, baking enthusiast




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USA, Virtual Anita Cheung USA, Virtual Anita Cheung

Amy Flores (she/her)

Language(s): English
Bay Area, CA, USA


I am a full spectrum doula who also specializes in abortions. After having my own, I realized that people who choose abortions need more support. They need to be heard, accepted, cared for, treated equally. So I provide that. I can support and advocate for you before, during, and after your abortion.

Describe yourself in three words:

Empathetic momma, compassionate doula, chocolate lover.



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USA, Virtual Anita Cheung USA, Virtual Anita Cheung

Emma Hollister (she/her)

Language(s): English
New York City, USA + Virtual


I support folks in their pregnancy ending journeys, regardless of whether that end is chosen. My goal, rooted in my own experiences, is to ensure that folks who need abortion care or are experiencing a miscarriage don’t feel as lost and unsupported by the system as I did.

If you are seeking an abortion or are experiencing a pregnancy loss, or both, whether you have questions about the process or need someone to talk to about your experience, I can provide you with clear, factual information and offer techniques for managing your care, physical and emotional, without blame or judgement. I work with folks throughout the cycle of this experience, including before abortion, and during and after abortion or miscarriage. There is no set time-frame for your emotional response to this experience, no wrong way to grieve or celebrate.

Describe yourself in three words:

New York Mets obsessed, fan of cool birds, always thinking about the next great meal.




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UK Anita Cheung UK Anita Cheung

Emily Snape (she/her)

Language(s): English
Exeter, England, UK


I’m a trained full-spectrum doula, I work to facilitate education and understanding to help people feel informed, and know how to access UK abortion options. I also offer post-abortion debriefing, a safe space by which to explore your feelings and questions post-abortion.

Describe yourself in three words:

Empathetic, intersectional feminist, book lover.



Instagram: @em_yourdoula

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USA Anita Cheung USA Anita Cheung

Ashley Badgley (she/her)

Language(s): English
Washington, DC, USA + Virtual (US-based)


Queer, femme abortion doula who supports all people seeking an abortion. Professionally, I specialize in serving those who have experienced trauma at any point in their life (sexual abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, suicide attempts, suicide loss...) through direct services and advocacy. I may work in trauma, but I serve with empathy and love.

Describe yourself in three words:

Kind, Queer, Dog Mama.



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UK, Italy Anita Cheung UK, Italy Anita Cheung

Zachi Brewster (she/her)

Language(s): English, Italian
England/Italy-based + Virtual support (international)


Hello hello, My name’s Zachi! Inspired by my own experience and my training and experience as a birth doula I provide abortion support for people before, during or after their abortion experience and have done this for the past 6 years.You’ll be fully supported with tools and practices to help you self-soothe and find comfort in your own breath, your own touch (yes! self-hugs are a thing) and your own sensuous knowledge. If we're in the same city, then we can meet in person, if not see you online <3

Describe yourself in three words:

Black, Queer, cupcake lover!


To learn more + book a call, click here.

Instagram: @zaz.brw

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USA Anita Cheung USA Anita Cheung

Rachael Mills (she/her)

Language(s): English
St. Paul, MN, USA


Hey all! My name is Rachael (she/her/hers) and I'm a public health professional working at the intersections of higher education and health. I am a fierce advocate for access to abortion and people having autonomy over their bodies. As an abortion doula, my role is providing clients with accurate, factual information and supporting you throughout the process pre, during, and post abortion. I am based out of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, but happy to provide virtual support as well.

Describe yourself in three words:

Queer Intersectional Feminist; Climber; Public Health Advocate



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